Race Invite
30 Nov / 01 Dec 2024
Round 1 of the 2024/25 National Championships
In association with Moray Dog Sports
Burgie House, Woodside Croft, Burgie, Forres, Moray IV36 2QU

Entries Closed
Location: What3Words: ///comforted.aviation.shop
Entry costs (Per Person)
Adult – £42.50 first entry, £15 all subsequent entries
Juniors – £10 first entry, £5 all subsequent entries
Non Members
Adult – £48.00 first entry, £15 all subsequent entries
Juniors – £20 first entry, £5 all subsequent entries
A £1.50 processing cost will be added at checkout to each order
The trail length will be 4.5km, incorporating a 1.5km loop that competitors will complete twice. Using a loop format aligns with IFSS rules and has been successfully implemented in previous international dryland and on-snow races. The judging team has approved the loop format for this event, with additional considerations outlined below. From the start, proceed 700m before joining the loop. At 2.2km, the course will split left towards the finish line. On your first lap, continue past this split to complete the loop again. The loop will rejoin the outgoing trail at 2.4km. Upon completing the second loop and reaching the split again at 3.9km, turn left to finish the final 600m of the course. Additional marshals will be positioned at merge and split points to ensure smooth navigation and correct course following. All competitors are advised to preview the trail before competing. The course width allows for easy overtaking, and additional ski netting and signage will be provided at key points as necessary. To prevent congestion, start times will be staggered. For teams with four or more dogs, no more than two teams will be on the loop at any one time; for other wheeled classes, a maximum of three teams will be on the loop simultaneously. We’ll finalise the canicross entry numbers to keep traffic low and will arrange for similarly paced runners to be on the course together.
Race Marshal: Matt Hammersley
Judges: Ellie Camacho, Trevor Milford
Trail Boss: Jambo Smith
First Aiders: Sally Milford
Safe Guarding Sally Milford
Vet in attendance: Sarah Cochrane
Vet on call:
Moray Coast Vet Group
14 West Road
Greshop Ind Est
IV36 2GW
Please note that if you enter more than one class, whilst we will try to accommodate this in the start lists, we cannot guarantee there will be enough time for you to get round in time as the second day’s starts are seeded based on the results of day one.
Nobody will be allowed to bikejor/canicross the course other than during the race. People may bike, run, or walk. Anyone seen biking or running a dog along any part of the course, whether the dog is attached or not, will be disqualified. Dogs can be walked on the course but not canicrossed.
Classes being offered:
IFSS Classes
Non IFSS Classes
DR8 / DR8RNB *
DR6 / DR6RNB *
DR4 / DR4RNB *
DR4J / DR4JRNB (14-18) *
DR2J / DR2JRNB (14-18) *
DR2Y (11-13) *
DWH1SB / SG (8-10)
DF4 / DF2 (DF2 can be run with rig or scooter) *
DS2 / DS2RNB *
DS1M / DS1M(V40+) / DS1MV(50+) / DS1MV(60+) *
DS1W / DS1WV(40+) / DS1WV(50+) / DS1WV(60+) *
DS1J / DS1JRNB (14-18) *
DS1Y (11-13) *
DF1 (Scooter only, no rig) *
DCW / DCWV(40+) / DCWV(50+) / DCW(60+) *
DCM / DCMV(40+) / DCMV(50+) / DCMV(60+) *
DCMJ / DCWJ (14-18) *
DCMY / DCWY (11-13) * **
DCSB / DCSG (7-10) * **
DBW / DBWV(40+) / DBWV(50+) DBWV(60+) *
DBM / DBMV(40+) / DBMV(50+) / DBMV(60+) *
DBMJ / DBWJ (16-18) *
DBMY / DBWY (11-15) *
D – Dryland.
R – Rig
S – Scooter
C – Canicross
B – Bike
RNB – Registered Nordic Breed
W – Woman
WV – Woman Veteran
M – Man
MV – Man Veteran
J – Junior
Y – Youth
SB – School Boy
SG – School Girl
WH – Wheels (Scooter, Rig, or Bike)
F – Freight
Numbers in brackets – Competitor Age
Any other Number – Number of dogs
* National Championship status awarded if all criteria met. IFSS Rule 9 Finish Time Disqualification will not be enforced.
** 7-10 age groups, all competitors must be accompanied by an adult attached by means of a line to the dog throughout the race.
11-13 age groups, it is at parental discretion if competitors are accompanied or not and can be attached if required.
Ages – dogs and drivers:
The age of the athlete is taken from the age the athlete will be on 31st December 2025. This age will be the athlete’s age for that full season.
The age of a dog will be 18 months old for all ‘competing’ classes from the first day of the race.
Registration open times:
Friday 29 Nov: 17:00 – 20:00
Saturday 30 Nov: 07:00 – 08:00
Competitor Meetings:
Attendance at the competitor meeting is compulsory for all participants.
Meeting: 08:00 Saturday. There will be a video briefing available for viewing prior to the weekend
Racing Start times:
Saturday: 09.00
Sunday: 09:00
(subject to change)
Please read the IFSS rules before entering this race. These can be found on the IFSS website. http://www.sleddogsport.net
Also please read the BSSF local race rules, found here – https://thebssf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/BSSF-Race-Rules.pdf
Competitors can come as go as they please throughout the day. Spectators are welcome.
Course inspection:
Course inspection on foot or bicycle is allowed on Friday from 12:00 and Saturday morning before the competitors meeting. Dogs can be walked on the course but not canicrossed
During the race series you may be called upon to Marshal, Marshal lists will be circulated in the race pack issued prior to the event. If you cannot fulfil your appointment, it is your responsibility to find someone to stand in on your behalf
Loose dogs are not allowed on the campsite or stakeout at any time. Please keep all dogs on leads.
Shock collars or electrified hound gardens are strictly forbidden.
Holes must be filled in
HouseHill Café who will be providing the food for you from Friday evening through to Sunday lunchtime. They will offer a Scottish Theme on the Saturday night and will look at serving venison and other such Scottish based meats and food. They are also able to cater for vegans and vegetarians.
RNB means Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Canadian Eskimo Dog, Greenland Dog or Samoyed. All RNB dogs must have the appropriate Kennel Club registration paperwork which you must bring to registration as evidence.
No further vaccinations are required for a domestic BSSF race other than basic inoculations
Borrowed Dogs:
If you are borrowing dogs, you must have written consent from the owner.
You must hold adequate insurance to race and evidence of this must be brought to registration as you may be asked for proof.
Dog Welfare:
Officers of the Council will be patrolling over the weekend to assess dog welfare, if you are asked to open your van to assess dog living conditions please comply. Failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave site.
Selection Process:
Details of the qualification and selection process for the British Team can be found on our website. For qualification and selection purposes where a class doesn’t exist, amalgamation of results may be applicable.
Please remember to download and complete the additional forms required as part of the entry process and bring these to registration.
Competitor Waiver – https://thebssf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/COMPETITOR-WAIVER-FORM.pdf
Guardian consent form (for Juniors) – https://thebssf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/GUARDIAN_FORM.pdf
Chip List (one for each class entered and for all non-competing dogs) – https://thebssf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/ifss_chipping_list.xlsx
Recreational, non-timed canicross, scooter, bikejor or rig (max 6 dogs per team) Saturday only if time permits. Enter on the day.