Try Bikejor or Scooter

Bikejor and Scooter are two of the five main disciplines in sled dog sports and the UK has a number of international champions in both sports.

Bikejor and Scooter are some of the fastest disciplines and are growing fast.


The human element typically uses a mountain bike that has a special attachment on the front, allowing you to hook up your dog by elasticated line and harness and then feel the breeze in your hair. Your dog(s) then assist you while you’re pedalling to try and keep up with them!


The human element of the team must have a specially designed off-road scooter that they stand on, with an attachment on the front (much like Bikejor) with their dog(s) hooked up to the front via an elasticated line and harness again. The human then ‘scoots’ with their feet to assist the dog(s) as much as they can.

In both disciplines, it’s important that your dog(s) have excellent commands and focus. The last thing you want is for you both to go either side of a tree at 15mph! They will also need to practice passing other teams and distractions prior to racing.

Local Clubs

If you go to our club map page, you’ll see all of your local clubs. They will often have access to extra kit and equipment which you could try. This gives you an opportunity to see what works best for your own dogs before purchasing, while giving the sport a go in a safe environment. These groups usually train on a weekly basis too, so you’re able to have fun with a group of people, while exercising your dogs.

Please go to our vendor page to see a list of just a few of the UK suppliers that we like. They will be able to help you with any queries you may have and point you in the right direction. Also, don’t forget the power of advice from other likeminded people.

The racing season

The UK sled dog racing season (Sep – May) holds a number of races each weekend, many of them having classes specifically aimed at both Bikejor and Scooter. This can vary from 1 dog or 2 dog classes. You can race with a multitude of breeds, just be sure to check their race rules for eligibility.

There is sometimes a split in class, depending on whether your dogs are registered. To compete in the Registered Nordic Breed class (NB), your dogs must be one of the recognised Nordic Sled Dog breeds and you need to hold a Kennel Club number and paperwork for their home countries Kennel Club. Dogs without KC paperwork, or non-Sled Dog breed would compete in the Open class.

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